Enrico Schumann
Read, Process and Create iCalendar Data and Files
Utilities for handling iCalendar data, in particular reading and creating/writing iCalendar files. The package is written in pure R, with no dependencies (package 'base64enc' is only needed if calendar files have attachments). The package maps iCalendar dates and date-times to R's native 'Date' and 'POSIXct' classes. Recurrance rules for repeated items (such as birthdays) can be expanded into actual occurance sets. Timezones are supported.
Version: 0.2-0 (2023-12-21)
source files manual (PDF) manual (HTML) NEWS ChangeLog GitLab/GitHub
To install the package from a running R session, type:
install.packages('icalutils', repos = c('https://enricoschumann.net/R', getOption('repos')))